Duygu Bengi

I am: Duygu.

I am known for being: Spontaneous, curious, witty and (very) hard working. I love the idea of "being creative". I keep researching all the time for new discoveries. It could be a song, a photo or a word. Learning something new always excites me.

What inspired me to become a publisher/entrepreneur: The idea of creating.

What keeps me persistent: "We love what we do!"

The biggest problem in the world right now is: Education. It is not for now, it is the biggest problem for ages that causes every unrespectful act to others and nature. It makes people selfish and insensitive.

How do I act as an individual in order to contribute to solving this problem: Life is a journey. I always need knowledge, understanding, listening and learning. I take care to go my own way without harming any living thing or nature. I strive for everyone around me to exist in every moment of life without losing their sense of respect.

What do I wear to feel empowered: Black. Black is my happy color.

Where do I wish I would like to be with this Sundei outfit: I am watching the sunset by the sea.

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